Coffee at home, Berlin

This morning I lingered in bed for a little longer than I probably should have. I missed my gym class. But it was raining outside. And it was Sunday. So bed took priority over all else. That’s the way it should always be on Sundays, don’t you think?

Coffee at home, Berlin

WATCH: Some of you know already that a little trip Iceland is well and truly on my radar at the moment. To experience the midnight sun really would be a once in a lifetime experience. This stunning Vimeo capture makes my feet that little bit itchier.

READ: Unfortunately, some of the world’s most spectacular places are also some of the most dangerous. This list of 10 of the most dangerous places in the world you have to visit has me hoping that I will get to all of these someday.

EAT: It’s almost kale season here in Europe and I’m looking forward to getting a good dose of these super greens into my body in preparation for the winter. This kale and lentil salad will do nicely.

MAKE: Isn’t this DIY wire utensil rack for your kitchen a fabulous idea? We already have a rack like this  in our Berlin apartment from which we hang our pots, pans and utensils from, but for those of you that don’t, try this super easy, clever way to store your cooking essentials.

BUY: A pair of these cute Wellington boots are just what a girl needs as the weather starts to turn.

GO: Our talented photographer friend, Eddie New, just posted his photo diary of NYC on his blog. I’m so desperate to visit this city it’s not funny.

I hope this lovely weekend has left you energised and ready for the week ahead!