
Hey Sunday. This morning I returned a sweaty mess after hitting the gym for a Sunday morning Body Attack class. I’m impressed with myself too, it being Sunday and all. I’m now dealing with one of those pesky headaches you get from pushing yourself too hard at the gym that hangs around all day. Uggh. Luckily there’s zero on for the rest of the day except episodes of Homeland and leftover red curry. I’m trying to be extra good with the gym in the next few weeks before I head to Paris and eat everything delicious in sight. Let’s not even pretend that I have any kind of self control shall we? Especially in Paris.

How was your week? Mine was uneventful. Lots of laptop time and generally not too much excitement. I’ve been busy locking in travel plans for this month, researching flights back to Australia, keeping on top of all the usual freelance work as well as scheduling posts for The Department of Wandering. I did go out for cocktails with a friend last night which was pretty lovely though, so I haven’t been a complete hermit this week. Next week there’s travel! Fun!


Here are this week’s favourite links:

WATCH: What an epic snowboarding trip this looks to be. I’m hitting the slopes on a ski trip in the French alps next month and I’m feeling a mixture of excitement and terror!

READ: If you haven’t heard about the story of Essena O’Neil this week, you must be hiding under a rock. In response to the reality of ‘life behind the post’, travel blogger Nikki from The Pin the Map Project published a great post this week in which she deconstructs a series of her own Instagram posts and tells the real stories behind the photos. Read it here.

EAT: Pumpkin butter. Need I say any more?

MAKE: I love this feature — the perfect way to brighten up a room.

BUY: Handmade in Tokyo, this gorgeous origami purse is on the wish list! How handy would all those compartments be?

GO: I’m off to Hamburg (again) this week for a last-minute, sneaky break. I can’t tell you how much I LOVED my whirlwind trip last time so I’m really excited to see some more of the city this time around.
