
Hey hey friends! Long time no see! You may have noticed the radio silence over here on The Department of Wandering for the last couple of weeks. Truth be told, the last few weeks have been so jam-packed full of travel, events and work that it’s been near impossible to sit down at my laptop and write blog posts. But, I hope I’ve kept you in the loop via social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat @deptofwandering)! It really has been a whirlwind past six weeks and I’m so grateful for all the new memories and adventures. From exploring La La Land to road tripping Joshua Tree and Yosemite, from falling head over heels for NYC to spending five days of bliss in lush Tulum in Mexico, it has all been so beautiful.

I flew back to Melbourne yesterday and while it’s always sad to see the end of such a fun time abroad, I am really looking forward to writing up all the new content from the trip! I’ve never been too great at blogging whilst travelling since I hate being cooped up in hotel rooms glued to my laptop — I much prefer to be out soaking up as much of the place as I can. Today I’m transferring the hundreds of photos from my camera and will begin to sift through both them and my memories. Watch this space!


Here are this week’s favourite links:

WATCH: In NYC I was able to celebrate the launch of Electrify Mag. Here’s a look at the cover shoot in Nicaragua featuring Ashley Smith.

READ: Writer Elizabeth Gilbert had a life-changing experience in Indonesia, and not the one that everyone thinks they know.

EAT: This is what breakfast dreams are made of.

MAKE: Anything DIY rainbow is a winner in my book. Especially this.

BUY: Yes please.

GO: Now that I’m back on my own turf, I’m itching to step foot in Asia once again. Bali has been on my mind for a while. Here are 20 photos that will explain why.
