Hello, hello! Are you having a fabulous weekend? I am. So I picked up Ben from the airport a few days ago and it’s been oh so lovely to have him home. We’ve spent the past couple of days just relaxing and chilling out and tonight we’re celebrating one of our favourite friends’ 30th birthday. A pretty lovely way to spend a weekend if you ask me.
Now that we’re both back in Australia (for now), there comes the conundrum of living arrangements. We need to sort something out pretty quick because, let’s be honest, we’re a little too old to be shacking up with our parents. Did you see on Snapchat (deptofwandering) that I’ve been inspecting apartments? Well, we found a dream warehouse conversion that we’ve applied to lease so I’ve got all my fingers and toes crossed that it’s approved. Currently there’s no Plan B, so wish me luck!
Here are this week’s favourite links:
WATCH: This video makes me oh so desperate to go on a road trip again. I need to plan another one. Stat.
READ: This tourist illegally documented his trip to North Korea and smuggled out the photographs. Very interesting.
EAT: This piña colada blondie. Need I say more?
MAKE: Love this idea. Recycling to make something cool.
BUY: I’m in love with my new watch from Klasse14. You can grab your own at 12% off with the discount code ‘departmentofwandering’ here!
GO: Instead of lusting after some new and exotic location this week, here are 15 ways travel ruins your life. I’m completely done.